среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled. Windows will probably try to attempt to install a driver on its own, let it finish. So i've changed it trying every driver with some of the miners. This morning i tested CgMiner 3. On the same page, set your payout wallet http: What did they break after CgMiner 3. The tutorial is describing an installation of cgminer.
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This morning i tested CgMiner 3.

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Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled. Luke-Jr 1, 5 The login credentials needed for your miner look like this: Post Your Answer Discard By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of serviceprivacy policy and cookie policyand that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.

Windows will probably try to attempt to install a driver on its own, let it finish. Run cgminer You should have the mining device connected to your computer by now.

So i've changed it trying every driver with some of the miners. The other currently supported miner is BFGMiner you can get it https: Only for devices that speak raw USB, not block erupters. In troubles, try to restart command line. What is CgMiner 2. Unfortunately it still does not see USB devices: BfgMiner seems to require the libusb driver. Cgminer will automatically detect the mining device connected to your computer.

CPx is the chip used by the Block Erupters. Please see this article to learn more. You are seeing the effects of that.

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If you don't want to start cgminer manually, you can set it to start automatically at the computer startup. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Sign up using Facebook. Select Options in the menu and check List All Devices.

On the same page, set your payout wallet http: Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. About a month ago i tried to upgrade to CgMiner 3.

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CgMiner past version 3. Unfortunately it still does not see USB devices:. I've been using CgMiner 3. By using our site, you acknowledge winubs you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Ian Boyd 1 4 This topic today i will be write How to mine on slush pool?

Set the wallet On the same page, set your payout wallet http: Profit You should see something like this: The tutorial is describing an installation of cgminer. Download the zadig utility from http: So i wiusb to 3. After the installation is complete, run cgminer as described in the point 5.

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