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Super User works best with JavaScript enabled. I had all but given up on getting Grpahics video working until finding this tip. Peter Mortensen 8, 16 61 Once the driver is installed, reboot and you are all done!
Your best bet is to use a graphics card with PCI connection. Download the latest Windows XP driver for the intel graphic card.

Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?
Can I get a working driver for Windows 7? This worked for my Dimension B as well.
Downloads for Graphics Drivers for Intel® 82865G Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
Nick Kavadias 1, 3 18 I used the XP Professional version download. Choose "Next" and it will begin the driver installation.
Official Dell website only lists Windows XP drivers. TFM 4, 2 26 Where do I find a 828865g Windows 7 driver for the Intel G graphics chipset?
برامج تشغيل الرسوميات لرسوميات Intel® 82865G ومركز وحدة التحكم في الذاكرة
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. I tried installing generic Windows Vista drivers and the installer told me that the operating system wasn't supported. I was about to suggest to check Intel's site for drivers, but they don't have any Vista or Windows 7 driver neither, the latest driver dates back to You should see a driver in the main box now, that says it's for the Intel Graphic Adapter.
I cannot stick another ibtel card on it.
Browse to the location where you extracted garphics Intel XP driver zip file and go into the win folder, then choose "Open". I am putting this out there in case someone else runs into this issue. Thank you for your interest in this question. I've installed Windows 7 RTM x86 and the best resolution it will do is x with a generic driver.
Where do I find a working Windows 7 driver for the Intel G graphics chipset? - Super User
Right click on the "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" and choose "Update Driver Software" Choose "Browse my computer for driver software" Choose "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer" Find the "Have Disk" button lower right corner and click on it Browse to the location where you extracted the Intel XP driver zip file and go into the win folder, then choose "Open" You should see a driver in the main box now, that says it's for the Intel Graphic Adapter.
Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

The Intel chipset is on-board.
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